This approach to text summarization is entirely



After the applications of text summarizer, it’s time to look at the approaches of text summarization. There are two types of text summarization:

1.     Extractive methods: The name itself explains what this type of text summarization aims to do. Here, the tool identifies the essential phrases, interprets and extracts those from the original document. For instance, if the original document contains five sentences, but only some are key information, the summarizer will create a summary containing the essential details.

2.     Abstractive summarizer: This approach to text summarization is entirely different from the extractive method. Here, the tool focuses on generating new sentences from the original text instead of using only the sentences present in the original document. After using the abstractive automatic text summarize method for your desired percentage length outputyou will receive a summary with newly constructed phrases and sentences that represents the essential information of the original document.

Practical reasons to use automatic text summarizer

§  Prevents you from missing out on essential details: With the automatic text summarizer, you can easily highlight critical text and essential keywords. The automated tool scans the entire document and picks out the crucial details in seconds. This way, you will get a clear idea of what the document is all about without the need to read the document from top to bottom. The best part is that you don’t have to stress about missing out on essential details.

§  Instant results: Are you tired of spending the entire day reading and reviewing lengthy documents? Your troubles come to an end with the text summarizer. The automated tool works instantly which means that you only need to upload the PDF or Word document, press the Summarize button, and get the summary in seconds. Lawli Summarizer, for example, has the ability to tailor your focused topics and try summarizing using different summarizer models to obtain the best results. You will then obtain a quality summary cross-checked using different summarizing models in seconds.

§  Enhances productivity: With the automatic text summarizer, you will be able to create a summary with a single click, thus allowing you to supercharge your productivity and review more documents in less time. The summary generator produces short snippets of lengthy documents that are clear and straight to the point.


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